Solution to hard water effects – Borehole reverse osmosis

Disadvantages of using hard water:

1. Hard water is unfit for washing as it is difficult to form lather with soap.
2. Scum may form in a reaction with soap, wasting the soap.
3. Furring of tea kettles will take place due to the formation of carbonates of calcium and magnesium.
4. Hard blocks hot water pipes. This is due to the formation of layers of carbonates of calcium and magnesium.

5. The health effects of hard water are mainly due to the effects of the salts dissolved in it, primarily calcium and magnesium. To a large extent, individuals are protected from excess intakes of calcium by a tightly regulated intestinal absorption mechanism through the action of 1, 25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, the hormonally active form of vitamin D. Although, calcium can interact with iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus within the intestine, thereby reducing the absorption of these minerals.

Long-term consumption of hard water can cause kidney dysfunction, which may lead to the other diseases such as cerebrovascular disease, diabetes and others.

Solution to these problems (reverse osmosis)

Installing a reverse osmosis machine from Visionplus Automation is the only solution to solve problems related to hard water drinking. However, there are other methods of purifying water. The following are reasons why Reverse osmosis(R.O) is the most preferable method of purifying water.

  • Reverse Osmosis has the ability to remove 95-99% of total dissolved solids in drinking water.
  • Reverse osmosis from visionplus automation improves the odor, appearance, and overall taste of your water.
  • Installing an RO system in your home/business will saves you money and time since there will be less cases of diseases caused by unpurified water.
  • Reverse Osmosis water filtration has proven to be the best filtration method ever when it comes to removing impurities from water in an efficient way.
  • Investing in Visionplus reverse osmosis means you won’t have to buy bottled water or pay for a water  delivery service.
  • Simple maintenance, this filtration method is quite easy, since you simply change out the filters and membrane according to the system manufacturer.


Why you should buy from visionplus automation

  • We have more than 7 years of experience having designed and installed more than 50 commercial reverse osmosis across the country.
  • Our engineers have the right skills and experience
  • We offer 2years warrant for any commercial machine and a lifetime technical support.
  • A good borehole reverse osmosis will give you peace of mind because it is durable and very effective in purifying your water.



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