Cost of Salad Oil ATMs in Kenya

Cost of Salad Oil ATMs in Kenya

The Salad Oil ATM machine is gaining popularity in Kenya’s food stores. Business owners are adopting it because it comes with numerous advantages such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, increased sales, minimal labor, and touchless transactions, making it an ideal investment.

Volume Capacity of the Cooking Oil ATMs in Litres

Salad Oil ATM Prices in Kenya Shillings

20 litres 40,000
50 litres 45,000
100 litres 60,000
150 litres 75,000

However, it is vital to consider the cost of purchasing the Salad Oil ATM machine before making any investment. The cost of the machine affects the business’s financial status, and business owners need to consider the advantages of investing in the machine against the initial cost.

One of the first benefits of considering the cost of the Salad Oil ATM machine is to determine the level of investment that your business can comfortably afford.

Purchasing the machine should fit within your business’ budget, which helps avoid financial strains. A clear understanding of your business’s financial standing helps to make informed decisions on whether to lease or buy the machine.

Moreover, business owners should compare the prices of different vendors before purchasing the Salad Oil ATM machine. This process enables the business owner to identify the prices that best fits their budget.

In some cases, business owners may discover that purchasing new Salad Oil ATM machines is not feasible owing to high initial costs. In such cases, they could explore buying a used ATM machine, which is less expensive compared to purchasing a new one.

Additionally, maintenance and repair costs should also be taken into consideration when purchasing a Salad Oil ATM machine. Frequent maintenance ensures that the ATM machine is functional, which helps to avoid breakdowns and unexpected disruptions in the customer’s shopping experience.

Choosing a machine that guarantees minimal maintenance consideration is also an investment that contributes to the machine’s long-term success.

In conclusion, investing in a Salad Oil ATM machine is essential for businesses that aim to increase sales, reduce labor, and ensure touchless transactions. However, it is crucial to consider the cost of purchasing the machine before making the investment.

The cost of the ATM machine should fit within the business’s budget, and business owners should also take into account maintenance and repair costs when purchasing machines. By considering the cost of the Salad Oil ATM machine, business owners can make informed decisions that enhance the success of their business.


At Visionplus Automation, we ensure that we manufacture and supply legit and high quality machines. Once you wish to start this business, it is very wise to consider us because we do not disappoint. We have over 7 years of experience in manufacturing the machines and this makes us the best. We have successfully sold over 200 machines.

Why Choose us?

Here are some reasons why we are the best when it comes to salad Oil ATM solutions.

1. We guarantee the quality.
2. One year Warranty.
3. 24/7 Support and after sale service.

You can visit us at our location. We are located in Ruiru Kihunguro next to Shell petrol station. Call us on 0720989971 or send us an email to

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